Welcome to the All Grown Up Character Biography Page. If you are not familiar with the show and would like to learn a little more about the characters and their personalities, then this is the page for you. Each one has their own differences about them, such as Tommy being the natural leader and Chuckie being the scardy-cat of the group - traits that were obviously carried over from their days as babies on Rugrats. Learn more about the AGU gang here! Enjoy!

You've known him as the "born natural leader" on Rugrats and really, Tommy Pickles has not changed in that role. When the gang needed a leader the most in "Dude, Where's my Horse?" Tommy stepped in as the role of leader and helped bring the herd of ostriches across the river during a massive rain storm. Tommy also has a knack for creating some epic films that garner some impressive awards for his age. But as Tommy grows throughout the show, so does his tolerance of girls. Before long, he has two girls that end up liking him during one episode! He relishes his role as big brother for Dil and always lends a helping hand when his little bro needs it the most. All in all, Tommy is a friend that doesn't forget you in a time of need (except when he has girls on his mind!).

Angelica is as bossy as ever in 'All Grown Up,' and it ends up being her poor cousins that endure her wrath. You would think she'd have some compassion for her own blood relative during his most vulnerable moments. But instead, she seeks to get the best dirt on Tommy and post pictures of him with green slime dumped all over him and Dil saving him from a "near death experience" with a half-asleep snake. That doesn't mean Angelica is always perfect. In fact, usually it takes her to screw something up before she learns a lesson. And she's not completely hopeless when it comes to compassion, either. When it looked like Susie wouldn't get her chance to sing in the Gracy's Day Parade, Angelica jumped right in and helped her get to the parade on time. Yes, she can be nice, but they are rare moments.

Sometimes, there aren't enough words to describe Dil Pickles. He is truly the show's most unique character. He has certainly become quite popular amongst the fans of the show for his outlandish ways. Dil is probably most notably known for his love of aliens, although that certainly isn't his only love. He also has a deep compassion for dolphins and making sure that tuna is "dolphin safe." Even as a new pool is built in their backyard, Dil is looking out for his sea-creatures by hoping to form a "Habitat for Manatees." Despite all of that, Dil is a happy-go-lucky kid and usually nothing brings him down. He looks up to his big brother Tommy and is never afraid to take some of his big bro's advice. All in all, Dil is a person that would make a great friend, because he's certainly one of a kind!

Kimi is the real sweetheart of the bunch, always willing to help out and tries to be the very best that she can possibly be. That's not to say she doesn't have her vulnerable moments, which she does. She's always interested in learning more about her Japanese heritage, including Japanese clothing and even getting her family involved in Kabuki theater. Kimi has been there for the others at their time of need, including Susie when she was swindled out of $1,000 from a fake talent agent and Tommy when he and Dil lost Grandpa Boris at the water park and she jumped right in, helping in the search. Although a relative newcomer compared to the rest of the 'Rats, she's one of the more popular characters, up there with Dil. Even though things don't always go her way, she tries remaining upbeat, for as long as she can take it.

Yes, Chuckie is still scared of a lot of things and he is oftentimes hesitant to make the next move, yet his bravery has taken a noticed improvement from Rugrats. He may over-analyze situations a little too much, but after awhile, he finally goes forth, with a little coaxing from Kimi or Tommy thrown in for good measure. Chuckie is still Tommy's best friend and nothing ever seems to get in the way, except for maybe a girl or two. All in all, Chuckie is still that important side-kick, and he'll even do his own thing during Tommy's absence. Goes to show you he is his own man. However, you had better watch out for Chuckie's wild obsessions, including his craving for Yu-Gotta-Go cards. Talk about a different side of Chuckie you've never seen before! Despite his minor hang-ups, who wouldn't want Chuckie as their best pal. He's quite possibly one of the best people you can trust.

Phil is probably the slowest character in maturing, considering that he still loves bugs, mud, smelly gym socks, and anything else any normal person would find gross. However, usually his twin sister, Lil, will straighten him out when he needs to step back to reality. Phil is someone that'll always try something once, and he's always out to have a good time. He seems to be a born comic - always cracking jokes and not afraid to pull pranks. Yes, sometimes you will see an emotional side to Phil, such as him shedding tears over fond memories of Reptar. When it came to building the derby car for the big race, all Phil really cared about was being able to crash the car and to not really win the race. Phil is also someone not afraid to speak his mind, and when he sees one of his friends doing something wrong, he'll call them out on it. Phil has his caring and compassionate side, yet his best personality trait he is most known for is being a goof ball. He's certainly one of a kind.

Lil is the strong-willed, independent twin of the DeVille clan. She was the first to admit that she needed her space from Phil, whom she had hung around with since they were babies. Phil took it hard, but eventually it made sense for him, too. Lil has the reputation for being boy crazy at times - even going so far as to partner with a "blithering idiot" for a science project. After that experience, she learned the valuable lesson of not ditching a friend over a boy. Later on in the series, Lil becomes enthralled with soccer. She was a natural with the sport, knocking in goals from left to right. It left Phil rather jealous, since he was supposed to be the soccer pro. Despite some earlier bickering between the two, eventually they worked out their differences and competed on a stellar team. Lil definitely goes for more of the "female" activities, unlike earlier in her life. But that doesn't means she doesn't slip up and enjoy things that Phil likes.

Susie is well known for her battles with Angelica and she is often the crutch for the rest of the AGU gang when it comes to battling Angelica. Susie is a perfectionist in every way, including her school and singing career. Sometimes it seems like all Susie ever thinks about is singing and scholarship for further education. That doesn't mean she never tries living on the edge; case in point when she attempted to do some cow tipping in "Dude, Where's my Horse?" Susie is a friend in every way, always keeping commitments and promises. She is always understanding when things don't work out, however, she is known to be gullible, even being conned out of $1,000 by a fake talent agent. Yes, Susie has taken some licks, but she never let those incidents get in her way of achieving her dreams. She seems to be on the right path, even gaining national singing exposure during a Thanksgiving Day parade in New York City.
Didi and Stu Pickles: The loving parents of Dil and Tommy Pickles, Didi usually ends up being the bearer of bad news to the boys. Stu always hates to let his kids down, to whom they always look up to as the great dad that he is. Didi has a busy teaching career while Stu stays active as an inventor, always coming up with the shrewdest of inventions mankind could never fathom. They make a good couple and excellent parents.
Betty and Howard DeVille: As the parents of Phil and Lil, these two couldn't be more opposite of each other. Howard (or Howie as Betty affectionately calls him) is more laid back, clumsy, and subdued. Betty on the other hand is loud, full of energy, always takes charge, and loves to go on adventures with the kids. Betty also helps Chas out at the Java Lava and even fits time in to the the twins' coach on the soccer team along with Pangborn.
Chas and Kira Finster: The parents of Kimi and Chuckie, these two make a good couple. Chas is pretty similar to his son; clumsy, can't see, an allergy sufferer, wimpy, yet he's advanced enough in his life to own his own coffee shop and to keep re-inventing it for the changing times. Kira is the loving wife, ever supportive when Chas needs it the most. You never see the two arguing and always compromise when they've hit an obstacle.
Charlotte and Drew Pickles: As the parents of Angelica, these two need a lot of patience and money to keep her happy. Charlotte has been a successful business-woman during her entire professional career, acting as a role model for Angelica. In fact, Angelica looks, acts, and has even picked up many of Charlotte's phrases from work over time. Charlotte has even gone so far as undergoing plastic surgery, which hasn't always helped her looks, until season 3 of the show.
Estes Pangborn: Pangborn (never really called Estes except by Ms. O'Keats) is the Assistant Principal of the junior high school. He also acts as gym teacher and soccer coach. He's had some epic battles with Dil, who tends to make Pangborn go crazy. Pangborn is a tough, muscular guy, thanks to his days as a former wrestler. He's certainly one guy you wouldn't want to mess with! Just think of the discipline you'd get.
Harold: Harold is the fun-loving side kick to Angelica. You can definitely tell he has a crush on her, although she's completely blind to his love. He is more or less along so that Angelica can push him around and get him to do her dirty work. Harold is a big eater, often stuffing himself whether he's hungry or not. Honestly, it does not seem like Harold has a mean bone in his body, as he's always getting along with every member of the AGU gang.
Sean: Sean is one of the "cool kids" in Angelica's class and ends up being a love interest of Angelica's (even though it seems he wants nothing to do with her). He's a pretty lazy character, especially when he wants nothing to do with manual labor. He seems to get in trouble at school on occasion and is a genuine slacker when it comes to school work. He is usually never alone; in fact, his best friend Justin seems to always be by his side.
Savannah: As an arch-enemy of Angelica's, Savannah is another one in the cool kid posse. She always tries to one-up Angelica, which she hopes will make her the most popular girl in school. However, it doesn't always work that way and often, she succumbs to Angelica's successes. The biggest example of this occurred when Angelica's 13th birthday party became an overwhelming success while all Savannah could do was sulk.