Luke's All Grown Up Message Board Memorial Page


Welcome to Luke's All Grown Up Message Board memorial page. If you were a member of the message board between December 2003 and August 2006, then you were part of an amazing community filled with avid AGU fans. At one point, it was the place to be when discussing the show. There were a lot of memories created there - too many to recall. We had many fun events take place and our fair share of negative incidents for sure. But all in all, it was a positive experience and one memory that I certainly will never forget. So if you happened to be a member of this AGU on-line community, then this place is for you.

Members List
Fun Events
Classic Images
A Personal Thanks

The objective of this page is for people of the old message board to come back and relive some of the memories of the old place. Once in awhile I will talk with people that used to be part of the board and they say how much they miss it. Although the AGU Board will never return in its former state, at least this website will help jog a lot of people's memories and it will help them reminisce. I hope it evoked a lot of memories for you, too. Thanks for visiting!